Sikder Ashikuzzaman Ayon
Assistant Professor (on leave)
Qualification: BSc, MSc(Studying)
Phone: 5516 7100 Ext 7332
PERSONAL INFORMATION Full Name: Sikder Ashikuzzaman Ayon Current Position: Assistant Professor Date of Birth: 21 August, 1993. Mailing Address: Dept .of MME, BUET, Dhaka Phone Number :+8801675393830 Email Address : ashikuzzaman@mme.buet.ac.bd EDUCATION M.Sc. Engg (MME) 2019 Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology B.Sc. Engg (MME) 2017 Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology H.S.C 2011 Notre Dame College S.S.C 2009 Government Laboratory High School EMPLOYMENT RECORD Assistant Professor, BUET 2020, September to Present Lecturer, BUET 2017, May to 2020, September AWARDS • Prime Minister Gold Medalist • UGC Merit Scholarship • Dean’s List Award in every level, BUET • University Merit Scholarship in every level, BUET • Dhaka Education Board Scholarship in both S.S.C. and H.S.C. B.Sc. Thesis- Synthesis and Characterization of Ba2+, Al3+ and Sr2+, Al3+ Co-modified Multiferroic BiFeO3 Nanoparticles. M.Sc. Thesis- Doping ZnO Nanoparticles with Rare-earth Element and Investigating Its Photocatalytic Activity S.A. Ayon, M.M. Billah, S. Shahriyar, A. Kabir, Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity of Ho3+ Doped ZnO NPs Synthesized by Modified Sol-gel Method: An Experimental and Theoretical Investigation, J. Alloys Compd. (2020) 158217. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jallcom.2020.158217.