Salma Siddika
Assistant Professor(on leave)
Qualification: PhD(Studying)
Phone: 5516 7100 Ext 7332
(a) Journal Publications:
1. Siddika, Salma, Fayeka Mansura, and Mahbub Hasan. "Physico-Mechanical Properties of Jute-Coir
Fiber Reinforced Hybrid Polypropylene Composites." Proceedings of World Academy of Science,
Engineering and Technology. No. 73. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET),
2. Siddika, Salma, et al. "Effect of reinforcement and chemical treatment of fiber on The Properties of
jute-coir fiber reinforced hybrid polypropylene composites." Fibers and Polymers 15.5 (2014): 1023-
3. Siddika, Salma, and Ahmed Sharif. "Processing and Characterization of Areca and Waste Nylon Fiber
Reinforced Hybrid Polypropylene Composites." International Journal of Innovation and Scientific
Research 19.2 (2015): 319-330.