Md. Miftaur Rahman
Assistant Professor
Qualification: MSc
Phone: 5516 7100 Ext: 7236
Full Name: Md. Miftaur Rahman
Current Position: Assistant Professor
Date of Birth: 22.02.1984
Mailing Address: Department of MME, BUET, Dhaka
E-mail: miftaurrahman@mme.buet.ac.bd
M.Sc. Engg. 2009 BUET MME
B.Sc. Engg. 2006 BUET MME
Asst. Prof, BUET 30.06.2009 To Date
Lecturer, BUET 26.11.2006 29.06.2009
• Received “Prof. Dr. M. H. Rashid best paper award” in the 2nd International Conference on Mechanical Industrial and Materials Engineering (ICMIME 2015)
• Received MEDA Award from Faculty of Engineering, McGill University, Canada (2009)
• Coordinated a workshop on “Team Building Workshop on Program Self Assessment Exercise, 21September 2015 organized by Department of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering, BUET, Bangladesh
• Acting as Member of Self AssessmentCommittee (SAC) of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering, BUET, Bangladesh
(b) Proceeding Publications:
1. Masum Billah, A. Ahmed, Md. Miftaur Rahman, Rubayyat Mahbub, M. A. Gafur and M. Shahriar Bashar” Microstructure Evolution and Electrical Characterization of Lanthanum doped Barium Titanate” 11th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering 2015 (ICME2015), Paper ID:188
2. Anika Benozir Asha, Manzila Islam Tuheen, A.H.M.AzadurRahman, Md. ArifurRahman Khan and Md. Miftaur Rahman “Effects of P2O5 addition and Sintering Temperature on Structural Properties of Silica”2ndInternational Conference on Mechanical Industrial and Materials Engineering (ICMIME 2015)
3. I.-H. Jung, P. Hudon, W.-Y Kim, M.-A. Van Ende, M. Rahman, G.G. Curiel “Thermodynamic database of P2O5-containing oxide system for De-P process in steelmaking” High Temperature Materials and Processes. High Temp. Mater. Proc. 2013; 32(3), pp. 247 – 254.
4. In-Ho Jung, Pierre Hudon, Gabriel Garcia Curiel and MiftaurRahman”Thermodynamic modeling of P2O5 containing system for De-P process in steelmaking: Preliminary thermodynamic modeling results”CAMP-ISIJ, vol. 23(2010), pp. 815-81