Md. Aminul Islam
Qualification: PhD
Phone: 5516 7100 Ext: 7380
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh 1) Enhancement of wear properties of gray cast iron through surface modification by TIG melting. (a) Undergraduate Research Thesis: Carburization of Steel in Liquid Bath – A Comparative Study. In this research case hardening behaviours of plain carbon structural steel was investigated for one year. (b) Masters Research Thesis: Gas Carburization of Niobium Microalloyed Steels. Microalloyed steel is a potential candidate in the field of structural applications. In this study, niobium added various microstructural steels wwere investigated to know their microstructure-mechanical property relationship. (c) Ph.D. Research Thesis: Intergranular Fracture in 2.25Cr-1Mo Pressure Vessel Steel at Low Temperatures. In this study, pressure vessel grade of structural steel was investigated to know the effects of microstructural morphologies (martensite, bainite, tempered martensite, carbide particle size and distribution, segregation of trace elements, etc) on ductile brittle transition temperature, fracture modes, fatigue crack growth modes, environmental effects on fracture morphologies, etc at various temperatures. (d) Rolls Royce Company Funded Project: Investigation of Fatigue Crack Growth Rate of High Alloy Steels to be Used for Heavy Duty Ball-Bearing System in Fighter Helicopter. This research project was conducted during the Ph.D programme in England as a part time work. (e) Postdoctoral Research Project: Investigation of Tensile, Fatigue and Fracture Behaviours of Various Advanced Automobile Structural Steels. This was a two year long joint venture project funded by Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), Sumitomo Steel Company, JFE Steel Company, Honda Automobile, Toyota Automobile and Ibaraki University of Japan. (f) Undergraduate Research Project: Effects of Quality of Brick Chips on the Compressive Strength of Concrete. (g) Undergraduate Research Project: Fire Resistance of TMT Steel Bars in Concrete. (h) Masters Research Project: Effects of Fire and Fire Fighting Modes on Degradation Behaviours of Reinforcing Steel Bars in Concrete (ongoing) (a) Research Consultant in Steel Company: Worked as a part time research consultant for Kabir Steel Re-rolling Mill (KSRM) for one year to improve the quality of reinforced steel rebars. (b) Consultant in Steel Company: Worked as a full time consultant for R&D for flat and long steels in Abul Khair Steel Plant for one year (July 2013 to June 2014). (a) Ministry of Industry: As a expert from BUET jointly worked with Ministry of Industry, High Commission of Norway in Bangladesh and Bangladesh Ship Breaking Association to formulate policy for a healthy ship breaking system, 2012. (b) Bangladesh Bank: As a expert on steel production system from BUET jointly worked with Bangladesh Bank, Islami Bank, Bangladesh Tariff Commission and Board of Investment to formulate a law of delay payment system regarding the import of raw materials for production of steel products, August-September 2017. (a) Modernisation of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering Programme at BUET Under HEQEP (Higher Education Enhancement Programme) Funded by the University Grant Commission Bangladesh and World Bank. Total amount $530,000.00 (b) Tribological Behaviours of TIG Melted Grey Cast Iron Funded by, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET). Total amount $3,000.00. (c) Study on Corrosion Behaviours of Locally Produced Thermomechanically Treated High Strength Reinforcing Steel Bars. Total amount $3,000.00. (d) Investigation of fatigue fracture behaviours of locally produced reinforcing steel bars. Total amount $3,000.00. (e) Development and Characterization of Nano-particles and Nano-structured Polymer Composites. Total amount $7,000.00. (a) Member: Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh (F-10844) (b) Member: Bangladesh Ceramic Society (M-193) (c) Member: Materials Australia (M-10250) (d) Member: Alumni of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS050150) (e) Member: Editorial Board of the ARPN (Asian Research and Publication Network) Journal of Engineering and Applied Science (An On-Line Journal). (f) Reviewer: Journal of Scientific Research, Rajshahi University, Rajshahi, Bangladesh. (a) Talent Pool Scholarship in Primary School (1978-1980), Awarded by Education Board, Jessore, Bnagladesh. (b) Talent Pool Scholarship in Secondary School (1981-1982), Awarded by Education Board, Jessore, Bangladesh. (c) Board Scholarship in Higher Secondary School Examination (1987-88), Awarded by Education Board, Jessore, Bnagladesh. (d) Merit Scholarship in Graduation Programme (1988-91), Awarded by Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka-1000. (e) Overseas Research Studentship in Ph.D. Programme (November 1997-June 2001), Awarded by British Government. (f) Fellowship of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) in Postdoctoral Programme (June 2005-June 2007), Awarded by the Japan Government. (g) Gold Medal, University Grand Commission of Bangladesh Award 2007: In the Field of Engineering and Technology. (a) Journal [1] M.A. Islam and A.S.W. Kurny, “Use of Carborundum-Soda Bath for Liquid Carburization of Plain Carbon Steel”, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Research and Developments, Bangladesh, vol.17, p.31-41, 1994. [2] M.A. Islam, A.S.M.A. Haseeb and A.S.W. Kurny, “Study of Wear of As-Cast and Heat-Treated Spheroidal Graphite Cast Iron Under Dry Sliding Condition”, Journal of Wear, Elsevier Science Ltd., vol.188, p.61-65, 1995. [3] M.A. Islam, and M.M.A. Bepari, “Effect of Small Additions of Niobium on the Structure of Carburized and Hardened Low Carbon Steels”, Journal of Institution of Engineers Bangladesh, vol.ME24, No.1, p.14-21, 1996. [4] M.A. Islam and M.M.A. Bepari, “Effects of Niobium Additions on the Structure, Depth and Austenite Grain Size of the Case of Carburized 0.07% C steels”, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, ASM International, vol.5(5), p.593-7, 1996. [5] M.A. Islam and M.M.A. Bepari, “Structure and Properties of Carburized and Hardened Niobium Micro-Alloyed Steels”, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Elsevier Sci.nce Ltd., vol.A268, p.183-189, 1998. [6] M.A. Islam and A.S.M.A. Haseeb, “A Comparative Wear Study on Heat-Treated Aluminium-Lithium Alloy and Pure Aluminium”, Materials Science and Engineering, Elsevier Science Ltd., vol.A268, p.104-108, 1999. [7] A.S.M.A. Haseeb, M.A. Islam and M.M.A. Bepari, “Tribological Behaviour of Quenched and Tempered and Austempered Ductile Iron at the Same Hardness Level”, Journal of Wear, Elsevier Science Ltd., vol.244, p.15-19, 2000. [8] M.A. Islam, “Influence of Distributions and Chemistry of Second Phase Particles on Fracture Initiation and Fracture Toughness Values of Low Alloy Steels”, Journal of Mechanical Engineering, The Institute of Engineers, Bangladesh, vol-ME.31, p.216-225, Dec. 2002. [9] M.A. Islam, M. Novovic, P. Bowen and J.F. Knott, “Effect of Phosphorus Segregation on Fracture Properties of 2.25Cr-1Mo Pressure Vessel Steel”, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, ASM International, vol.12, no.3, p.244-248, 2003. [10] M.A. Islam, J.F. Knott and P. Bowen, “Critical Level of Intergranular Fracture to Affect the Toughness of Embrittled 2.25Cr-1Mo Steels”, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, ASM International, vol.13(5), p.600-606, 2004. [11] M.A. Islam, Md. Mohar Ali Bepari and Kazi Md. Shorowordi, “Dry Sliding Wear in Case-hardened Niobium Microalloyed Steels”, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Elsevier Science Ltd., vol.160, p.401-409, 2005. [12] M.A. Islam, J.F. Knott and P. Bowen, “Kinetics of phosphorus segregation and its effect on low temperature fracture behaviour in 2.25Cr-1Mo pressure vessel steel” Journal of Materials Science and Technology, UK, vol.21, No.1, p.76-84, 2005. [13] M.A. Islam, P. Bowen and J.F. Knott, “Intergranular Fracture on Fatigue Fracture Surface of 2.25Cr-1Mo Steel at Room Temperature in Air” Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, ASM International, vol.14(1), p.28-36, 2005. [14] R. Ding, A. Islam, S. Wu and J.F. Knott, “Effect of phosphorus segregation on fracture properties of two quenched and tempered structural steels” Journal of Materials Science and Technology, UK, vol.21, No.4, p.467-475, 2005. [15] A. Onizawa, M.A. Islam, M. Ojima and Y. Tomota “Fatigue Properties of Smooth and As-shot Peened N Bearing Austenitic Stainless Steel Under Tension-Tension Condition” Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Asian Research Publication Network (ARPN), vol.1, No.1, p.12-21, 2006. [16] M.A. Islam, “Critical Assessment of the Degree of Temper Embrittlement in 2.25Cr-1Mo Steel” Journal of Engg. and Applied Sciences, Asian Research Publication Network (ARPN), vol.1, No.1, p.39-45, 2006. [17] H.M.M.A. Rashed, M. A. Islam and F. B. Rizvi, “Effects of Process Parameters on Tensile Strength of Jute Fibre Reinforced Thermoplastic Composites”, Journal of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering (JNAME), Bangladesh, vol. 3, No. 1, p.1-6, 2006. [18] M.A. Islam and Y. Tomota, “Plane Bending Fatigue Behaviour of Interstitial Free Steel at Room Temperature” International Journal of Materials Research (formerly Metallkunde, German), vol. 97, No. 11, p.1559-1565, 2006. [19] M.A. Islam and Y. Tomota, “Fatigue Strength and Fracture Mechanisms of IF28 Steels”, Journal of Advanced Materials Research (Switzerland), vol. 15-17, p.804-809, 2007. [20] M.A. Islam and Y. Tomota, “Fatigue strength and fracture behaviour of steels with and without interstitial carbon at room temperature in air” Published in the International Journal of Materials Research (formerly Metallkunde, German), vol. 98, No. 3, p.209-216, 2007. [21] M.A. Islam, “Grain Boundary Segregation Behaviour in 2.25Cr-1Mo Steel During Reversible Temper Embrittlement” Published in the Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, ASM International, vol. 16, No. 1, p.73-79, 2007. [22] M.A. Islam and S.A. Khan, “Influence of Prior Austenite Grain Size on the Degree of Temper Embrittlement in Cr-Mo Steel” Published in the Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, ASM International, vol. 16, No. 1, p.80-85, 2007. [23] M.A. Islam, S. Chain and Y. Tomota, “Tensile and Plane Bending Fatigue Properties of Two TRIP Steels at Room Temperature in the Air- A Comparative Study” Published in the Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, ASM International, vol. 16, No. 2, p.248-253, 2007. [24] M.A. Islam, N. Sato and Y. Tomota, “Effect of Process Parameters on Ferrite Grain Sizes of Commercially Pure Iron”, Published in the Journal of Scientific Research (JSR), Vol.3, No.2, pp.311-319, 2011. [25] M.A. Islam, N. Sato and Y. Tomota, “Tensile and Plane Bending Fatigue Properties of Pure Iron and Iron-phosphorus Alloys at Room Temperature in the Air” Transaction of Indian Institute of Metals, Vol.64, Issue 3, pp.315-320, 2011. [26] M.A. Islam, “Essential Mechanical Properties of Structural Steels for Steel Reinforced Buildings in the Earthquake Sensitive Areas”, Issue 1, Vol.4 Journal of Scientific Research to be published in January 2012. [27] Takian Fakhrul and M.A Islam, “Degradation behavior of natural fiber reinforced polymer matrix composites”, J. ScienceVerse ScienceDirect, Elsevier, pp.1-7, 2012. [28] M.R. Hossain, M.A. Islam, A.V. Vuurea and I. Verpoest, “Effect of Fiber Orientation on the Tensile Properties of Jute Epoxy Laminated Composite Laminated Composite, J. Sci. Res., vol.5, no.1, p.43-554, 2013. [29] M.R. Hossain, M.A. Islam, A.V. Vuurea and I. Verpoest, “Tensile Behaviour of Environment Friendly Jute Epoxy Laminated Composites”, ELSEVIER Procedia Engineering, vol.56, pp.782-788, 2013. [30] M.R. Hossain, M.A. Islam, A.V. Vuurea and I. Verpoest, “Processing Dependent Strength Variation of Jute Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Composites”, Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, vol.8, no.7, pp.513-518, 2013. [31] Israt and M.A. Islam, “Hardened Case Properties and Tensile Behaviours of TMT Steel Bars”, American Journal of Mechanical Engineering, vol.2, no.1, p.8-14, 2014. [32] M.Faruk Hossain1 Shoumya Nandy Shuvo2 and M.A.Islam, “ Effect of Types of Wood on the Thermal Conductivities of Wood saw dust particle reinforced composites”, Procedia Engineering, Elevier Science, pp.1-8, 2014. [33] M. A. Islam , M. R. Hossain and I. Verpoest, “Hollow lumens in jute fibers and its impact on properties of polymer matrix jute composites” International Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences 2015, vol. 1, no. 1, 1-4, 2015. [34] M.K. Islam, M.F. Hossain and M.A. Islam, “Modification of Mechanical, Physical and Thermal Properties of Wood Saw Dust Particles Reinforced Polyester Composites” Malaysian Polymer Journal, Vol. 10, No. 2, p.62-69, 2015. [35] M.A.S.R. Saadi and M.A. Islam, “Utilization of Locally Available Raw Clay for Property Enhancement of Polymer Composite by Clay Particle Size Control”, Int’l Journal of Advances in Mechanical & Automobile Engg. (IJAMAE), Vol.3, Issue 1, pp.90-94, 2016. [36] M.A.S.R. Saadi1 and M.A. Islam, “Utilization of Locally Available Raw Clay for Property Enhancement of Polymer Composite by Clay Particle Size Control”, Int’l Journal of Advances in Mechanical & Automobile Engg. (IJAMAE), vol.3, Issue 1, pp.90-93, 2016. [37] A. Ayesha, M. A. Islam, “Correlation of Wear Rate with Surface Hardness of Pure Nylon and Graphite-Reinforced Nylon Composites”,International Journal of Modern Science and Technology Vol.2, No.2, pp61-69, 2017. [38] M.R. Nawaz, M.S. Shahriar and M.A. Islam, “Fire Resistance of Locally Produced 500W Structural Steel Bars” Journal of Materials Science and Engineering, vol.438, pp.1-8, 2018. [39] M.S. Shahriar, M.R. Nawaz and M.A. Islam, “Microstructure Changes Under Fire TMT 500W Structural Steel Bars” Journal of Materials Science and Engineering, vol.438, pp.1-8, 2018. [40] MA Islam, RA Mizan and MASR Saadi, “Fatigue Life Dependency on the Cleanliness and Ductility of Structural Steels, Journal of Materials Science and Engineering, vol.438, pp.1-7, 2018. [41] MA Islam and MASR Saadi, “Thermal Stability Of Micron To Nano Size Sand Particle Reinforced Polymer Composite”, International Journal of Science and Innovation & Technology (IJSIET), vol.1, pp.17-27, 2018. [42] MA Islam and MASR Saadi, “Production and Characterization of Green Polymer Composites”, International Journal of Science and Technology, vol.4, issue 2, pp.137-148, 2018. [43] Rashed Al Mizan and Md. Aminul Islam, “Augmentation of Thermal Conductivity for Polypropylene / Ethylene-vinyl Acetate Based Composites Filled by Organic and Inorganic Particles”, Universal Journal of Materials Science vol., no.2, pp.49-57, 2018. [44] MN Uddin and MA Islam, “Effect of Surface Coating on the Bonding Strength of Reinforcing Steel Bars in Concrete Structures”, International Journal of Research, vol.5, issue 15, pp.1709-1715, 2018. (b) Proceedings (Not All) [1] M.A. Islam and M.M.A. Bepari, “Wear Properties of Carburized and Hardened Niobium Miroalloyed Steels”, Proc. of 2nd Annual Paper Meet, The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh, Mech. Engg. Division, p.90-98, 1995. [2] S. Mazed and M.A. Islam, “Alloying Elements for the Modification of Structures and Properties of As-Cast Plain Brass”, Proceedings of 3rd Annual Paper Meet, The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh, Mech. Engg. Division, p.209-217, 31 Oct.-2 Nov., 1996. [3] M.M.A. Bepari, A.H. Khan and M.A. Islam, “Effect of Carburizing Medium on the Carburizing Behaviour of Low Carbon Steel”, Proceedings of 3rd Annual Paper Meet, The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh, Mech. Engg. Division, p.224-232, 31 Oct.-2 Nov., 1996. [4] M.A. Islam and M.M.A. Bepari, “Structure and Properties of Carburized and Hardened Niobium Micro-Alloyed Steels”, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Elsevier Sci.nce Ltd., vol.A268, p.183-189, 1998. [5] M.A. Islam, P. Bowen and J.F. Knott, “Grain Boundary Fracture Processes in Quenched and Tempered Structural Steels”, Proceedings of a Workshop Held at Birmingham University, UK, p.55-72, 16-17 September, 1999. [6] M.A. Islam, J.F. Knott and P. Bowen, “Low Temperature Fracture Toughness of Embrittled 2.25Cr-1Mo Pressure Vessel Steel”, Proceedings of a Conference on Advances in Mechanical Behaviour, Plasticity and Damage, Held at Tours, France, vol.2, p.1415-1420, 7-9 November, 2000. [7] M.A. Islam, “Impurity Element Segregation During High Temperature Service and Its Effects on Design Parameters”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Manufacturing, ICM 2002, Dhaka, Bangladesh, p.29-37, 2002. [8] S.A. Khan and M.A. Islam, “Reversible Temper Embrittlement in Cr-Mo Low Steel”, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Structure, Processing and Properties of Materials, SPPM2004, Dhaka, Bangladesh, p.173-182, 2004. [9] M.A. Islam and P. Bowen, “Fracture Behaviour of Embrittled 2.25Cr-1Mo Steel”, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Structure, Processing and Properties of Materials, SPPM2004, Dhaka, Bangladesh, p.340-348, 2004. [10] M.A. Islam and S.A. Khan, “Characterization of the Influence of Prior Austenite Grain Size on Reversible Temper Embrittlement in Cr-Mo Low Alloy Steel”, Proceedings of the ICMAT2004, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, p.1084-1091, May 2004. [11] H.M.M.A. Rashed, M.A. Islam, F.B. Rizvi and M.A. Gafur, “Effects of Process Parameters on Flexural Strength of Jute Fibre Reinforced Thermoplastic Composites”, Proceedings of 4th International Mechanical Engineering Conference & 9th Annual Paper Meet, p.184-190, 29-31 Dec., 2004. [12] M.A. Islam, Y. Tomota and P.G. Xu, “Prior austenite grain size and segregation behaviour in 2.25Cr-1Mo steel”, Proceedings of CAMP-ISIJ, Japan, p.1526, vol.18, No.6, 2005. [13] M.A. Islam, S. Chin and Y. Tomota “Monotonic and Cyclic Behaviours of Low-alloy TRIP-aided steels” Proceedings of International Symposium on Fatigue, Fracture and Integrity Assessment, Indian Institute of Welding, Jamshedpur, India, p.8, 17-18 January 2006. [14] M.A. Islam and Y. Tomota, “Intergranular Fracture during Fatigue in an Interstitial Free Steel”, Proceedings of CAMP-ISIJ, Japan, vol.19, No.3, p.536, 2006. [15] M.A. Islam and Y. Tomota,“Characterization of Temper Embrittlement in Steel by Tensile Test”, Proceedings of CAMP-ISIJ, Japan, vol.19, No.6, p.1246, 2006. [16] M.A. Islam, A. Onizawa and Y. Tomota,“Fatigue Life of As-shot Peened High Nitrogen Austenitic Stainless Steel”, Proceedings of CAMP-ISIJ, Japan, vol.19, No.6, p.1247, 2006. [17] M.A. Islam, S. Chen and Y. Tomota, “Retained Austenite Transformation and Fatigue Properties of TRIP Steel Under Plane Bending Condition at Room Temperature in the Air”, Proceedings of International Conference on Structure Integrity and Failure (SIF-2006), Sydney, Australia, p.361-368, 2006. [18] M.A. Islam, S. Chen and Y. Tomota, “Prospects of TRIP Steels in Auto Bodies”, Proceedings of First Afro-Asian Conference on Advanced Materials Science and Technology (AMSAT06), Cairo, Egypt, p.30-41, 2006. [19] M.A. Islam, Structure and Properties of Thermomechanically Treated TRIP Steel, BSME-ASME Conference, Held in Dhaka, 2008, p. 245-251. [20] N. Fatima and M.A. Islam, Wear Behaviour of Nodular Cast Iron, Proceeding of International Conference on Mechanical Engineering 2009 (ICME2009), 26-28 December, Dhaka, Bangladesh. [21] M.A. Islam and S.A. Khan, Site Competition Between Carbon and Phosphorus in Steels, Poceeding of the Second International Conference on Business & Technology, ICBTE-2010 held in Islamabad, p.266-269, Pakistan, January 23-24, 2010. [22] Nusrat Tamanna and Md. Aminul Islam, Microstructure and Thermal Conductivity of Micron Size Particle Reinforced Polymer Matrix Composites, Proceedings of International Conference of SPPM2010, held in Dhaka on 24-26 February, 2010. [23] M.A. Islam and T. Karmoker, Wear Behaviour of Nodular Cast Iron, Proceedings of International Conference of SPPM2010, held in Dhaka on 24-26 February, 2010 [24] M.A. Islam, Various Routes for Production of High Strength Steels-A Review, Proceedings of International Conference of SPPM2010, held in Dhaka on 24-26 February, No.E19, 2010. [25] M.A. Islam and Y. Tomota, Investigation of Effects of Phosphorus on the Fatigue Life of Carbon Steels, Proceedings of International Conference of SPPM2010, held in Dhaka on 24-26 February, No.E19, 2010 [26] M.A. Islam, T. Nemoto and Y. Tomota, In-situ measurement of Fatigue Crack During Plane Bending Fatigue Test Without any Additional Set-up, Proceedings of International Conference of SPPM2010, held in Dhaka on 24-26 February, No.E19, 2010. [27] M.A. Islam, “Thermomechanically Treated Advanced Steels for Structural Applications” Published in The International Conference on Marine Technology 11-12 December 2010, BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh. [28] M.A. Islam, “Thermomechanically Treated Advanced Structural Steels To Improve the Earthquake Resistance of Buildings” Published in the Proceedings of the Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education (CERIE) 2011, 11-13 January 2011, Sylhet, Bangladesh. [29] M.F. Hossain and M.A. Islam, “Tensile and Electrical Properties of Wood Saw Dust Reinforced Polymer Matrix Composites”, Published in the Proceedings of the Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education (CERIE) 2011, 11-13 January 2011, Sylhet, Bangladesh. [30] N. Tamanna and M.A. Islam, “Effect of Micron Size Particle Content on Tribological Behaviour of Polymer Matrix Composites”, Published in the Proceedings of the Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education (CERIE) 2011, 11-13 January 2011, Sylhet, Bangladesh. [31] M.H. Rashnal, S. Biswas, Q. Ahsan and M.A. Islam, “The Effect of Percentage of Hollow Lumen on the Mechanical Properties of Bangla White Grade B Jute Fiber”, Published in the Proceedings of the Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education (CERIE) 2011, 11-13 January 2011, Sylhet, Bangladesh. [32] M.A. Islam, “Earthquake and Reinforcing Steel Bars For Better Earthquake Resistant Buildings”, Published in the Souvenir of 10th BUET Convocation Held on 3rd February, 2011. [33] M.A. Islam and Y. Tomota, “Optimization of the Hot Rolling Process Parameters to Induce Beneficial Effects of Iron Alloys by Addition of Detrimental Phosphorus”, published in the proceedings of ICMA-11, held at Dhaka on 18-20 Dec., 2011. [34] S. Mallic and M.A. Islam, “Effect of Current Supply on the Wear Properties of TIG Modified Gray Cast Iron”, Published in the Proceedings of 5th BSME International Conference on Thermal Engineering, Paper No. 49, p. 1-6, Dec. 2012. [35] T. Fakhrul and M.A. Islam, “Degradation Behavior of Natural Fiber Reinforced Polymer Matrix Composites”, Published in the Proceedings of 5th BSME International Conference on Thermal Engineering, Paper No. 3 (composite section), p.1-7, Dec. 2012. [36] M.R. Hossain, M.A. Islam, A.V. Vuurea and I. Verpoest, “Effect of Composite Processing Routes on the Flexural Strength of Jute Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Composite”, 6th International Mechanical Engineering Conference & 14th Annual Paper Meet, Bangladesh, September 28-29, 2012.. [37] M.R. Hossain, M.A. Islam, A.V. Vuurea and I. Verpoest, “Analysis of Moisture Absorption Effect on the Longitudinal Three Point Bend Properties of Jute Epoxy Composite Processed Under Modified Compression Molding Process”, International Conference on Mechanical, Industrial and Materials Engineering (ICMIME2013), 1-3 November, 2013, RUET, Rajshahi, Bangladesh. [38] M. F. Hossain, Adil Abul Hayat and M. A. Islam, “Effect of Chemical Treatment on the Electrical Insulating Property (Breakdown Voltage) of Wood Saw Dust Particle Reinforced Polymer Matrix Composites”, International Conference on Mechanical Engineering 2013 (ICME2013), 20 – 21 June, 2014, Dhaka, Bangladesh Paper ID: 050. [39] M. F. Hossain, M.K. Islam and M. A. Islam, “Effect Of Chemical Treatment on the Mechanical and Physical Properties of Wood Saw Dust Particles Reinforced Polymer Matrix Composites”, international Conference on Mechanical Engineering 2013 (ICME2013), 20 – 21 June, 2014, Dhaka, Bangladesh Paper ID: 018. [40] M. F. Hossain, Shoumya Nandy Shuvo and M. A. Islam, “Effect of Types of Wood on the Thermal Conductivities of Wood Saw Dust Particle Reinforced”, International Conference on Mechanical Engineering 2013 (ICME2013), 20 – 21 June, 2014, Dhaka, Bangladesh Paper ID: 024. [41] Md. Rashnal Hossaina, Md. Aminul Islam, Aart Van Vuureb and Ignaas Verpoest, “ Quantitative Analysis of Hollow Lumen in Jute”, International Conference on Mechanical Engineering 2013 (ICME2013), 20 – 21 June, 2014, Dhaka, Bangladesh Paper ID: 052. [42] M. A. Islam, M. R. Hossain and I. Verpoest, “Hollow Lumens in Jute Fibers and Its Impact on Properties of Polymer Matrix Jute Composites“, Published in the Proceedings of New Direction Multidisciplinary Research and Practice” (NDMRP- May 12-13, 2015) Istanbul Turkey. [43] A. Akther and M.A. Islam, “Wear Behaviour of Micron Sized Graphite Particle Reinforced Polymer Composite”, Proceeding of International Conference on Mechanical, Industrial and Materials Engineering (ICMIME-2015), Paper ID-MS05, Held at Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology (RUET), Rajshahi, Bangladesh. [44] M.A.S.R. Saadi and M.A. Islam, “Evaluation of Cyclic Behaviours of Locally Produced Steel Bars for RCC Structures”, Proceedings of 12th Global Engineering, Science and Technology Conference 23 – 24 December 2016, ISBN: 978-1-925488-25-8. [45] M.T.A. Chowdhury, R.M. Rezaul and M.A. Islam, “ Studyon the Enhancement of Bonding Strength in Terms of Tensile Behaviour of Palmyra Palm Fiber Reinforced Polymer Matrix Composites”, Processing of 1st International Conference on Engineering Materials and Metallurgical Engineering, 22-24 December, 2016. [46] M.A.S.R. Saadi and M.A. Islam, “Upgradation of Polymer Composite Property by Locally Available Sand Particle Reinforcement”, Proceedings of Second International Multidisciplinary Research Conference held in Malaysia 2016 (ISBN 978-1-988652-01-6), p.20-26. [47] J.Roy and M.A. Islam, “Effects of Quality of Coarse Aggregates and Compaction Mode on the Compressive Strength of Concrete”, Paper No. C17, Published in the Proceddings of 4th International Conference on Structure, Processing and Properties of Materials, SPPM2018, held at BUET on 1-3 March 2018. [48] MA Islam, R.A. Mizan and M.A.S.R. Saadi, “Fatigue Life Dependency on the Cleanliness and Ductility of Structural Steel” Paper No. D05, Published in the Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Structure, Processing and Properties of Materials, SPPM2018, held at BUET on 1-3 March 2018. [49] M.K. Nahian, S.Z. Ali and M.A. Islam, “Post-stress Induced Tensile Property Modification of Jute Polymer Composite”, Paper No.G01, Published in the Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Structure, Processing and Properties of Materials, SPPM2018, held at BUET on 1-3 March 2018. [50] S.Z. Ali, M.K. Nahian and M.A. Islam, Paper No.G02, Published in the Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Structure, Processing and Properties of Materials, SPPM2018, held at BUET on 1-3 March 2018. [51] S.Z. Ali, M.K. Nahian and M.A. Islam, “Effect of Fiber Ratio and Post Stress on Moisture Absorption of Jute Polyester Composite”, [52] M.A. Mizan and M.A. Islam, “Thermal Conductivity Enhancement of Polypropylene Based Composites Filled by Organic and Inorganic Particles”, Paper No.G07, Published in the Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Structure, Processing and Properties of Materials, SPPM2018, held at BUET on 1-3 March 2018. [53] M.A. Islam And M.A.S.R. Saadi, “Thermal Stability of Micron to Nano Size Sand Particle Reinforced Polymer Composite”, Published in the Proceedings of 4th ICCET, Held at Cheannai, from March10-11, 2018, India. [54] T. Saha, M.R.N. Shaown and M.A. Islam, “Weather Effect on Locally Produced Plastic Pipe in Bangladesh: A Degradation Behavior”, Proceeding of Internatonal Conference on Thermal Engineering, Khulna University of Engineering and Technology, 2018. [1] “Grain Boundary Fracture Processes in Quenched and Tempered Structural Steels”, Paper presented in a Workshop Held at Birmingham, UK, September, 1999. [2] “Low Temperature Fracture Toughness of Embrittled 2.25Cr-1Mo Pressure Vessel Steel”, Paper presented in a Conference on Advances in Mechanical Behaviour, Plasticity and Damage, Held at Tours, France, November, 2000. [3] “Fracture Behaviour of Embrittled 2.25Cr-1Mo Steel”, Paper presented at the 2nd International Conference on Structure, Processing and Properties of Materials, SPPM2004, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2004. [4] “Characterization of the Influence of Prior Austenite Grain Size on Reversible Temper Embrittlement in Cr-Mo Low Alloy Steel”, Paper presented at the ICMAT2004, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, May 2004. [5] “Prior austenite grain size and segregation behaviour in 2.25Cr-1Mo steel Paper presented at 150th ISIJ Meeting Held at Hiroshima, Japan, 2005. [6] “Monotonic and Cyclic Behaviours of Low-alloy TRIP-aided steels” Paper presented at an International Symposium on Fatigue, Fracture and Integrity Assessment held at Jamshedpur, India, 2006. [7] “Intergranular Fracture during Fatigue in an Interstitial Free Steel”, Paper presented at 151th ISIJ Meeting Held at Tokyo, Japan, 2006. [8] “Characterization of Temper Embrittlement in Steel by Tensile Test”, Paper presented at 152nd ISIJ Meeting held at Niigata, Japan, 2006. [9] “Fatigue Life of As-shot Peened High Nitrogen Austenitic Stainless Steel”, Paper presented at 152nd ISIJ Meeting held at Niigata, Japan, 2006. [10] “Retained Austenite Transformation and Fatigue Properties of TRIP Steel Under Plane Bending Condition at Room Temperature in the Air”, Paper presented at an International Conference on Structure Integrity and Failure (SIF-2006), Sydney, Australia, 2006. [11] “Prospects of TRIP Steels in Auto Bodies”, Paper presented at the First Afro-Asian Conference on Advanced Materials Science and Technology (AMSAT06), Cairo, Egypt, 2006. [12] “Fatigue Strength and Fracture Mechanisms of IF28 Steels”, Paper presented at THERMEC2006 held at Vancouver, Canada, 2006. [13] “Structure and Properties of Thermomechanically Treated TRIP Steel”, presented at International BSME-ASME Conference, Held in Dhaka, 2008, p. 245-251. [14] “Wear Behaviour of Nodular Cast Iron”, Presented at International Conference on Mechanical Engineering 2009 (ICME2009), 26-28 December, Dhaka, Bangladesh. [15] “Site Competition Between Carbon and Phosphorus in Steels, Presented at Second International Conference on Business & Technology, ICBTE-2010 held in Islamabad, Pakistan, January 23-24, 2010. [16] “Thermomechanically Treated Advanced Steels for Structural Applications” Presented at The International Conference on Marine Technology 11-12 December 2010, BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh. [17] “Thermomechanically Treated Advanced Structural Steels to Improve the Earthquake Resistance of Buildings” Presented at the International Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education (CERIE) 2011, 11-13 January 2011, Sylhet, Bangladesh. [18] “Importance of High Strength Steel to Reduce Environmental Pollution”, presented in a seminar arranged by Abul Khair Steel at Dhaka Sheraton Hotel, 2010. [19] “Properties of TMT Steel”, presented in a seminar arranged by Abul Khair Steel at Dhaka Sheraton Hotel, 2010. [20] “Optimization of the Hot Rolling Process Parameters to Induce Beneficial Effects of Iron Alloys by Addition of Detrimental Phosphorus”, presented in ICMA-11, held at Dhaka on 18-20 Dec., 2011. [21] “Factors Affecting the Properties of Structural Steels” presented in a National Seminar entitled “ Quality Steels Production and Its Challenges in Bangladesh” Arranged by Materials and Metallurgical Engineering Department, BUET, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh on 31st March, 2012. [22] “Environmental Pollution in Bangladesh and Pollution by Local Steel Industries”, jointly organized seminar by FBCCI and production related various local industries (Dying, garments, Knitting, Leather and Steel Indudtries), February, 2012 at FBCCI conference room. [23] “Essential Quality Requirements for High Strength Structural Steel Bars”, presented in a seminar arranged by Abul Khair Steel at Dhaka Golf Garden, 2012. [24] “Effects of Inclusions on Mechanical Properties of High Strength Structural Steel Bars”, presented in a seminar arranged by Abul Khair Steel at National Exhibition Centre, Dhaka, 2013. [25] “Cyclic Properties of High Strength TMT Steel Bars”, presented in a seminar arranged by Abul Khair Steel at Dhaka Regency Hotel, 2014. [26] “Hollow Lumens in Jute Fibers and Its Impact on Properties of Polymer Matrix Jute Composites“, New Direction Multidisciplinary Research and Practice” (NDMRP- May 12-13, 2015) Istanbul Turkey. [27] Corrosion Behaviours of High Strength TMT Steel Bars for Reinforcing Cement Concrete Structures, presented in The Fifth International Conference of Euro Asia Civil Engineering Forum Surabaya, Indonesia, 15-18 September 2015. [28] M.A.S.R. Saadi and M.A. Islam, “Upgradation of Polymer Composite Property by Locally Available Sand Particle Reinforcement”, Proceedings of Second International Multidisciplinary Research Conference held in Malaysia 2016 (ISBN 978-1-988652-01-6), p.20-26. [29] Upgradation of Polymer Composite Property by Locally Available Sand Particle Reinforcement, Presented in The Second International Multidisciplinary Research Conference Held in Colombo Sri Lanka,7-8 January, 2017. [30] Emerging Building Materials: Today and Tomorrow, Presented in 1st Alumni Meeting of Civil Engineering Department of Leading University, Sylhet, October 26, 2017. [31] Production and Characterization of Green Polymer Composites: Washington University, Rome Italy, 2018. [33] Thermal Stability of Micron to Nano Size Sand Particle Reinforced Polymer Composite: University of Madras, Chennai, 2018. [1] “Thermomechanically Treated Advanced Structural Steels to Improve the Earthquake Resistance of Buildings” Presented at the International Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education (CERIE) 2011, 11-13 January 2011, Sylhet, Bangladesh. [2] “Essential Quality Requirements for High Strength Structural Steel Bars”, presented in a seminar arranged by Abul Khair Steel at Dhaka Golf Garden, 2012. [3] “Effects of Inclusions on Mechanical Properties of High Strength Structural Steel Bars”, presented in a seminar arranged by Abul Khair Steel at National Exibition Centre, Dhaka, 2013. [4] “Cyclic Properties of High Strength TMT Steel Bars”, presented in a seminar arranged by Abul Khair Steel at Dhaka Regency Hotel, 2014. [5] “Innovation in Cement Compositions and Its Applications”, presented in a seminar arranged by Shah Cement Company Ltd, Abul Khair Group at Dhaka Regency Hotel, April 29, 2016. [6] “Advancement in Concrete Technology and Its Applications”, presented in a seminar arranged by Shah Cement Company Ltd, Abul Khair Group at Dhaka Regency Hotel, April 30, 2017. [7] “Electric Arc Furnace Refined Earthquake Safe Reinforcing Steel Bars”, presented in a seminar arranged by Abul Khair Steel, Abul Khair Group at Hotel Peninsula, Chittagong, October 04, 2017. [8] “Emerging Building Materials: Today and Tomorrow”, 1st Alumni Meeting of Civil Engineering Department, Leading University, Sylhet, October 26, 2017. [9] “Utilization of Natural Fillers for Reinforcement of Polymer Composite”, 4th ICCET Held in Cheannai, March 10-11, 2018. iii. “Utilization of Locally Available Raw Clay for Property Enhancement of Polymer Composite by Clay Particle Size Control”, Presented in the International Conference by International Academy of Industrial, Mechanical & Aeronautical Engineering, May 9-10, 2016 Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia). f. Industrial Metal Working Processes: For Undergraduate Students of Materials/Metallurgical Engineering.
Year of Passing
Ph. D. (Metallurgy and Materials)
The University of Birmingham, United Kingdom
M. Sc. Engineering (Metallurgical)
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka
B. Sc. Engineering (Metallurgical)
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka
Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) Examination
Mosharraf Hossain Degree College, Kotchandpur, Jessore
Secondary School Certificate (SSC) Examination
Safderpur Munsur Ali Academy, Jessore
Visiting Professor
School of Materials Science and Engineering, Ibaraki University, Hitachi, Japan
1-30 May, 2010
2 Years Postdoctoral Research Under JSPS Fellowship
School of Materials Science and Engineering, Ibaraki University, Hitachi, Japan
2005 to 2007
Materials and Metallurgical Engineering Dept., BUET, Dhaka
01 April 2008 to till date
Associate Professor
Materials and Metallurgical Engineering Dept., BUET, Dhaka
02 December 2002 to 31March 2008
Assistant Professor
Materials and Metallurgical Engineering Dept., BUET, Dhaka
14 December 1994 to 1 January, 2002
Metallurgical Engineering Dept., BUET, Dhaka
19 October 1992 to 13 December 1994
2) Improvement of biodegradability of polymeric material by natural fibre reinforcement
3) Investigation of corrosion and fire resistance of locally produced thermo-mechanically treated steels used for reinforcing concrete