A. S. W. Kurny
Qualification: PhD
Phone: 9665650-80 Ext: 7337
Born: February 28, 1949
Primary education in home town Rangpur
Passed Secondary School Certificate (Science Group) Examination from Rangpur Zilla Pilot School (Rajshahi Board) in 1964
Passed Higher Secondary Certificate (Science Group) Examination from Government Carmichael College (Rajshahi Board), Rangpur in 1966
Obtained a Bachelor of Science in Metallurgical Engineering Degree from BUET in 1970
Obtained a Master of Science in Metallurgical Engineering Degree from BUET in 1973.
Joined the Department of Metallurgical Engineering, BUET, Dhaka as a Lecturer in January 1974.
Obtained a Ph. D. in Metallurgy from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India in 1982.
Professor in the Department of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering at BUET, Dhaka since May 28, 1989.
Fishing (angling) and kitchen gardening
Basic and applied Materials and Metallurgical Engineering courses to undergraduate and graduate students at BUET since January 1974
Industrial Consultation:
Selection, identification and evaluation of metallic materials and processes; industrial and consumer solid waste management
Important Consultancy:
(i) Developed industrial scale process routes for the environment friendly utilisation of ((i) spent iron and (ii) spent Al2O3-MgO-NiO catalyst of KAFCO Limited, Chittagong (2009).
(ii) Planned and supervised the development of a Liquid Nitriding Plant, based on Urea and Soda, at Bangladesh Ordnance Factory, Joydevpur (1991).
(a) Additional Responsibilities held at BUET:
(1) Dean, Faculty of Engineering: Feb 28, 2004 – Feb. 27, 2006.
(2) Director of Students Welfare: December 08, 1993 to January 12, 1997
(3) Head, Dept of Metallurgical Engineering: February 18, 1992 to February 17, 1994.
(4) Provost, Sohrawardy Hall: May 31, 1989 to August 12, 1991.
(5) Deputy Director of Students’ Welfare: October 16, 1984 to May 31, 1989.
(6) Assistant Provost, Sher-e-Bangla Hall: March 10, 1982 to July 16, 1984.
(b) Membership of Different BUET Committees:
(1) Chairman, Admission Committees for admission into undergraduate programmes at BUET, Dhaka, 2004.
(2) Chairman, X-ray Diffractometer Committee at BUET, Dhaka, since December 26, 2004.
(3) Member, Committee for Advanced Studies and Research: December 1990 to December 1994.
(4) Member, Tender Committee: November 08, 1993 to Mar. 10, 1997.
(5) Member, Text-Book Board: Oct. 25, 1992 to July 08, 2007.
(6) Member, Search Committee for Dr. Rashid Chair: April 02, 1993 to April 01, 1996.
(7) Member of the Committee on Academic Reforms that suggested the academic system now in operation at BUET.
(c) Professional Activities
(1) Member of an Expert Committee formed by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources to examine the technical aspects of a mining lease application, 2008.
(2) Vice-President (Academic): Bangladesh Society of Mechanical Engineers. 2001.
(3) Hon. Managing Editor, Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh, October 1991 to December, 1994.
(4) Chairman, Sectional Committee on Metallic Sheets, Plates, Wire and Allied Products, Bangladesh Standards and Testing Institution (BSTI) July 1991-June 1996.
(5) Member, National Academic Committee on Non-Destructive Testing (October 20, 1985 to April 27, 1994)
(6) Convener of an Expert Sub-committee formed for the Rehabilitation and Upgradation of the Beach Sand Exploitation Centre, Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission January – March, 1994
(7) Member of a National Committee formed by the Ministry of Industries to ascertain quality of mild steel reinforcing bars produced in Bangladesh (June- July, 1992)
(d) Membership of Professional Bodies:
(1) Fellow, Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh (FIEB)
(2) Fellow, Bangladesh Society of Mechanical Engineers’ (BSME).
(3) Life Member, Bangladesh Association for Advancement of Science (BAAS).
(4) Life Member, National Oceanographic and Maritime Institute, Bangladesh
(5) Member, Bangladesh Society for Non-Destructive Testing (BSNDT).
Academic Research Supervised
(i) Ph D – 1
(ii) M Sc Engineering/M Phil – 14.
Academic Research under supervision
Ph. D – 2
(i) Mechanically recycled rigid PVC: Effect of process variables on properties.
(ii) Production of sponge iron from mill scale: Optimisation of process variables.
M. Sc Engineering/M Phil – 6
Recovery of metal values from spent
(i) catalysts,
(ii) dry cell batteries,
(iii) lithium ion batteries.
B. Sc. Engineering – 6
(i) Recovery of Alumina from clay, coal fly ash and aluminium foundry ash
(ii) Optimising fly ash for architectural uses
Sponsored Research [Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of Bangladesh]
(i) Characterisation and Purification of Locally Available Silica in the Process of its Upgradation for the Production of Solar Grade Silicon.
In Refereed Journals [Last 5 years]
(1) Majharul Haque Khan and ASW Kurny, Simultaneous Recovery of Manganese and Zinc from Electrolyte Paste of Spent Zinc-Carbon Dry Cell Batteries, Chemical Technology – An Indian Journal [accepted]
(2) M. S. Kaiser and ASW Kurny, Effect of Scandium on Grain Refining and Ageing Behaviour of Cast Al-Si-Mg Alloy, Iranian Journal of Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 8, No. 4, December 2011 [in press]
(3) Majharul Haque Khan and ASW Kurny, Recovery of Zinc from Spent Zinc-Carbon Dry Cell Batteries through Pyrometallurgical Route, Journal of Metals, Materials and Minerals, Vol. 21, No 2, December 2011 [in press].
(4) M. S. Kaiser, M. R. Basher and ASW Kurny, Effect of Scandium on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Cast Al-Si-Mg Alloy, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, [DOI: 10.1007/s11665-011-0057-3, Online: October 15, 2011].
(5) S. K. Shaha, ASW Kurny, M. Hasan and S. Dyuti, Al-4.5 Cu-3.8 Fe In-Situ Composites: Effect of Rolling on Microstructure and Wear Properties, Advanced Materials Research Vols. 264-265 (2011) pp 1939-1943.
(6) Shaha, S. K., ASW Kurny and M. Hasan, Effect of Rolling and Heat Treatment on Microstructure and Wear Properties of Al-4.5Cu-3.8Fe Insitu Composites, ASEAN Journal on Science and Technology for Development, Vol. 27, No. 1, May 2010, pp. 11 – 20.
(7) Siddique, N. A. and ASW Kurny, Kinetics of Leaching of Alumina from Discarded High Alumina Refractory Bricks, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol. 10, N0.1, February 10, 2010, pp 23 – 26.
(8) Ahmed, Shafaat, ASMA Haseeb and ASW Kurny, Study of the Wear Behaviour of Al-4.5%Cu-3.4%Fe in-situ Composites: Effect of Thermal and Mechanical processing, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 182(2007)327 – 332.
(9) Ahmed, Shafaat, Q. Ahsan and ASW Kurny, Effect of Rolling on Tensile Flow and Fracture of Al-4.5Cu-3.4Fe Cast Composite, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 182 (2007) 215 – 219.
In Conference Proceedings [Last Five years]
(1) Fahmida Gulshan, Md. Saiful Islam, Mahbuba Sultana, ASW Kurny, Photocatalytic Efficiency of Waste Iron Oxides: Degradation of Methylene Blue, Proc. 3rd CUTSE International Conference CUTSE 2011: Innovative Green Technology for Sustainable Development, held at Sarawak Malaysia 8-9 November, 2011, paper ID 045, 2011
(2) Mahbuba Sultana, Md.Saiful Islam, ASW Kurny and Fahmida Gulshan: Photodecomposition of Textile Dye by Waste Iron Oxide; Proc. of 13th Annual Paper Meet, The Institution of Engineers’ [Paper ID MED-57] 2010.
(3) M. A Islam and ASW Kurny, Purification of Lead Recovered from Spent Automobile Lead Acid Batteries, Proc. 3rd International Conference on Structure, Processing and Properties of Materials held at Dhaka during February 24 – 26, 2010, [paper ID: C-11].
(4) S. K. Roy, N. C. Das and ASW Kurny, Characterisation of Sitakundu Clay, Proc. 3rd International Conference on Structure, Processing and Properties of Materials (SPPM 2010) held at Dhaka during February 24 – 26, 2010, [paper ID: D-09].
(5) M. N.Hasan, U. K. Sultana, K. M. Shorowordi and ASW Kurny, Effect of Nickel Addition on Structure and Tribological Properties of Al-Si-Fe Cast Alloys, Proc. 3rd International Conference on Structure, Processing and Properties of Materials held at Dhaka during February 24 – 26, 2010, [paper ID: A -09].
(6) S. Ahmad and ASW Kurny, Optimisation of Leaching of Zinc Dross in Sulphuric Acid Solutions, Proc. 3rd International Conference on Structure, Processing and Properties of Materials held at Dhaka during February 24 – 26, 2010, [paper ID: H – 07].
(7) ASW Kurny, M A. Rahim,. and S. Ahmed, Disposal of Spent Catalyst of Urea Fertiliser Plants in Bangladesh, Proc. 3rd International Conference on Structure, Processing and Properties of Materials held at Dhaka during February 24 – 26, 2010, [paper ID: C – 12].
(8) M. S. Kaiser, M. R. Basher, and ASW Kurny, Effect of Scandium on the Cast Al-Si-Mg Alloy, Proce. International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Dhaka December 2009, [Paper ID …]
(9) S. K, Shaha, ASW Kurny and M. Hasan, “Al-4.5Cu-3.8Fe In-Situ Composites: Effect of Rolling on Microstructure and Wear Properties”, “Proc. of International Conference on Advances in Materials and Processing Technology, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Oct 26 – 29, 2009, [Paper ID 78].
(10) S. K. Shaha, ASW Kurny, and S. Dyuti, Effect of Rolling on Microstructure and Hardness of Al-4.5Cu-3.8Fe Insitu Composites, National Engineering Students Conference (NEC’09), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Feb 27 – Mar 1, 2009, pp 35 -40, [Paper ID OP-2]
(11) Shaon Yasmin and ASW Kurny, A Study on the Structure and Tensile Properties of Aluminium-Copper-Iron In-situ Composite” The 2nd Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Development Conference (TISD 2008), Thailand, 28-29 January, 2008 (Paper ID 02_015_2008)
Text Books
(1) ASW Kurny, A Beginners Guide to Metallographic Laboratory Practice, a text book for undergraduate engineering students in English published by the BUET Text-Book Board (March 2007).
(2) ASW Kurny, ¯^Y© (Gold) a book in Bangla published by Mirza Publications, Dhaka, Bangladesh, (January 2004)
(3) ASW Kurny, “An Introduction to Metal Joining Technology”, a text book for undergraduate students in engineering in English, published by the BUET Text-Book Board, (March 2002).
(4) ASW Kurny, “Fundamentals of Phase Diagrams and Transformations”, a text book in English for undergraduate students in Engineering, published by BUET Text-Book Board, (March 2001).
(5) ASW Kurny, ÓcÖv_wgK avZzwe`¨vÓ (Introduction to Metallurgy), a text book for undergraduate students in Bangla, published by BUET Text-Book Board (April 1989).
Manuscripts of Text Books Under preparation
(1) ASW Kurny, Principles of Extraction of Metals (a text-book for undergraduate students, the manuscript is now being finalized on the basis of the comments and suggestions given by colleagues and students).
(2) ASW Kurny, Elements of Crystallography (a text-book for undergraduate students; the manuscript is now being finalized on the basis of the comments and suggestions given by colleagues and students).